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 The signature analysis and manuscript into a work of art is a very important aspect. It's true and well known fact that many disciples imitated the "signature of the teacher" even teachers who signed works that were not his. 

Our job is technically demonstrated IF SIGNATURE, DATE, OR ANY OTHER BRAND MANUSCRIPT SYMBOL OR PRINTED BY A PERSON IS OR NOT WORK THE artist to paint attributes.

expertizaje de firma en pintura


IF, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK, A signature is a signature is stamped with pen, brush, punch or any other helpful. Also you can be in any part of the work, front or back, big or small, full or short. The artist, is the century it is or was a person, and as such has a graphical individuality either in your signature at your numbers, or any other manuscript.



ONLY FOR THIS TYPE OF ANALYSIS (expert grafotécnico) ARE MANY JOBS TO DO AND NOT ALWAYS EASY. The comparisons on indubitable signs of the artist are quite important and decisive in these cases.


 Any information of the work should be studied, and the presence of more modern to date is supposed elements may be due to subsequent interference of the kind or nature. Eventually, a work of four centuries or four years ago has been A LIFE, and that life is capable of being studied and analyzed.



The naturalness and spontaneity of a signature can be shown.



Details on the start and end points of a scriptural movement are aspects that undoubtedly provide important information about your authorship.



Part of manuscript on the back of the work, attesting to the origin with names and dates: